Responsible Travel Programs

All our tours and activities are run by local experts, who are trained on initiatives of Sustainability Management and Responsible Travel practices. We also educate local community and raise awareness about the environmental issues and responsible behavior. We distribute useful information sheet to our passengers which provides tips to travellers on best practices while travelling (codes of conduct / guidelines for sensitive excursions or activities). And well inform to our clients about sustainable offers such as sustainable accommodations and excursions, activities etc...
All the hotels we used are locally owned and are strong in implementing the Code of Conduct. These hotels strive to take measures in order to reduce damage to the environment. This includes measuring, monitoring and reducing our consumptions. We provide our guests with refillable water bottles and reusable Myanmar Traditional Bags to be green travellers.
Furthermore, our trips contribute to diversify the local economies, to give employment to local communities as well as motivations for younger people.
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